What does Rep. Adam Smith (WA - 9th District) know about this spying-on-America Leviathan run by our own government? It has been reported that the leaders of major committees in Congress have special access to the anti-4th Amendment intelligence dragnet that has been long suspected by some observers of the government, including this blog, but now is out in the open thanks to whistleblower, Ed Snowden. Smith is the ranking Democratic Party member on the Armed Services Committee, so he likely had/has better than average access to these government secrets that alledgedly are only for security purposes, but any perceptive person knows is also used to keep track of, among others, law-abiding political outliers or dissidents, e.g., "Occupy Wall Street" or the peaceniks in Minneapolis that the F.B.I. raided a couple of years ago.
Since "Prism" is so electronically sophisticated, it would be interesting to know if this system also monitors the virtually 100% electronic elections in the United States. Perhaps, "Prism" managed to monitor the 2004 Primary elections in Washington state, and if specific records were examined, could thus solve the mystery of the 9th Congressional District (Republican) Primary, the official results of which were sketchy at best and outright criminal fraud at worst. The Leviathan keeps track of these type of things, after all ... Google ... Microsoft ... Facebook ... Phone records ... Elections? ... God only knows what else.
It seems, if recent polls can be believed, most Americans don't seem to be too perturbed about this brave new world where "Big Brother" is all-knowing and acting solely in our best interests, of course, as our firmly entrenched elected politicos in Congress ensure us that everything is OK ... and about those elections ... surely they won't let the Leviathan be too intrusive as long as all the candidates are "stamped and approved."
[Originally posted on Commoner on 6/11/13 as "The Leviathan and Elections;" revised on 6/12/2013.]
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